Labour Law

Labour Law

The Studio works in the field of labour law, in judicial and extra-judicial situations, with particular regard for the following:

  • Subordinate employment: contracts (hiring, transfer, dismissal, non-compete agreement, variable remuneration, demotion, etc.)
  • Management employment relationship
  • Self-employment, parasubordinate employment
  • Individual dismissals
  • Collective dismissals
  • Social welfare claims
  • Employment during company reorganization or restructuring
  • Employment during company transfer and branch transfer, mergers and de-mergers
  • Union relations, negotiations and drafting of collective company contracts, implementation processes of flexibility, productivity and welfare instruments
  • Employment in the context of procurement contracts
  • Privacy
  • Agency relationships
  • Harassment
  • Workplace safety and occupational accidents
  • Relations with social security and welfare bodies
  • Assistance in the context of inspections, checks and verifications of inspection authorities


Valentina Pepe

Valentina Pepe

Head of Department